Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
Psalm 123:4 + 1 Timothy 4:12
New Promise Youth
Our vision for our youth is to be equipped for life, relationships, service, and leadership by being confident that God loves them and that He has a plan and purpose for their lives, by being engaged in the Spirit through worship and prayer, and by being passionate for Jesus, His church, and the lost.
We have five core values that EQUIP our youth to become the next generation to follow after God:
E ncounter the Spirit through worship and prayer
Q uestion life through the lens of the Word
U nleash the Kingdom of God
I nspire faith-filled risks through discipleship
P ursue a passion for Jesus
A Call to Encounter: Prayer and worship is central in all we do as we seek God’s presence and encounter the Spirit. We desire to ignite our youth with ongoing opportunities for them to worship in Spirit and Truth, pray for their community, serve the Church, and minister to one another. Our goal is to help them to develop a Spirit empowered, faith-filled, continual, and fervent life of prayer and worship.
A Call to Question: Investing in the next generation, we mentor our youth through their questions of faith and daily experiences in one-on-one or small group settings. We seek to creatively engage their hearts and minds with the truth of God’s Word, grounding them with love and a healthy understanding of their identity in Christ.
A Call to Inspire: Leading by example, we inspire and challenge our youth to live for Christ with all their hearts and join us in taking faith-filled risks for Christ. Building deep and meaningful relationships allows our students to grow through discipleship and friendship.
A Call to Unleash: Empowering students to take ownership of their faith as they walk through the doors of adulthood allows them to unleash the Kingdom of God everywhere they go. Student leadership development it is essential for building God’s Kingdom. It’s our desire to hand off the reigns of leadership in the church and in our city to those on the path behind us.
A Call to Pursue: Stirring up a passion for Jesus Christ gives our youth a love for the lost, a commitment to the local church, and launches them into the world prepared for life, relationships, service, and leadership. A heart set on fire for Jesus can move mountains and transform a community.

Ministry in Motion...Equipping the Next Generation!

Sunday Night Youth Group
The New Promise Youth Group is open to teens from 7th to 12th Grade. They meet as a home group on Sunday nights from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, except the first Sunday of the month. You can expect zany games, a relevant message, a time for worship, snacks and fun. Bring a friend! All teens are welcome!
Youth Worship Team
Many of our youth are deeply engaged in worship through instrument, song and prayer. We have opportunities for our teens to participate in worship at our weekly youth group gatherings as well as in our family worship nights. We definitely like to make a joyful noise!

Family Worship Nights
Our Youth Worship Team hosts several youth-led Family Worship Nights throughout the year designed to engage children and their families in a House of Prayer, harp and bowl, style of worship to transform our community. Our youth take the lead through worship and prayer for the entire gathering. Let us know if you play an instrument, enjoy singing, or like to pray. There’s an opportunity for everyone!
Summer Camp
@ Prescott Pines
Faith, fun and fellowship! Our hope is that Summer Camp is an invitation to activate youth for Jesus. Each year we partner up with a few local churches in the Valley at the Prescott Pines Youth Camp to unplug and focus on our walk with Jesus. Teens participate in large group meetings with worship, a message and ministry followed up with small group time with their teams.
Another way we unwind and build relationship is with a friendly competition between the churches. Students get points each day based on various activities such as waterslide kickball, human foosball, relay races, dodge ball, gaga ball, volleyball, basketball, archery, ziplines, ropes course, and capture the flag. They also spend time creating skits, designing their team flag, and creating their team’s name.
The New Promise Youth Group is excited to hold the camp champion title for 2022!

Serving @ Camp Soak
The New Promise Youth Group takes an active role in serving the younger kids as small group leaders during Camp Soak. Camp Soak is a VBS-style camp for Pre-K to 10-year-olds designed to introduce and raise up the next generation of kids with a heart for prayer and worship. This summertime event also culminates with a Youth-led worship night offering kids the opportunity to participate in a “House of Prayer” style evening of hands-on prayer and worship. This event is open to everyone of all ages.
Resurrection Art Show
The Youth Ministry sponsors a Resurrection Art Show every year. Members and families are invited to share through art a celebration of Jesus' Resurrection. Get creative: Everyone is invited to get creative by drawing or painting a picture, creating a clay or Lego display, sewing an object, taking photo, creating a collage with different items depicting an aspect of Jesus’ death and resurrection…basically anything your heart can dream up. The items are then auctioned off with all proceeds going to support the Youth ministry.
It’s truly one of the highlights of the Easter season!

Personal Intercessors
We realize there are challenges and triumphs during the school year for every family and we want to support your kids in prayer. We know that the Lord is zealous over your children’s learning environment more than we are and we want to partner with the Spirit through prayer to speak out His truth and promises over your children. You can sign up to have one of our New Promise members cover your children in prayer throughout the school year. As a New Promise member, you can also sign up to be an intercessor for one of our kids during the school year.