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“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Healing + Transformation
Through Prayer + Intercession

Prayer affects all aspects of life and is an impactful way to connect to the Father’s heart. It fosters intimacy and provides vision, and as a byproduct it brings forth breakthrough, deliverance, revival, and awakenings. The purpose of prayer ministry is to equip, empower, and encourage church members to pray continually and effectively while making prayer a part of everything they do.

We have a team of intercessors who have a heart for the church and its people. Our prayer ministries include:

  • Altar Prayer Ministry

  • Ministry of Intercession

  • Restoring the Foundations Healing Ministry

When you need a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit

Altar Prayer Ministry


The Altar Prayer Ministry is a prayer team who has a passion for God’s people and is ready to minister to their needs as they are called upon. They release the promises of God for hope, encouragement, healing, and deliverance through prayer and applying the Word of God.


Jesus often invited people to follow after Him, offering an opportunity for an outward response to what the Holy Spirit was doing.  At New Promise, the altar is a place people where people are invited to "follow after Him" and repent of their sins, pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, pray for specific needs or deliverance, and to get a fresh "touch" from God.

Our Altar Prayer Team is available at the end of each service to invite the Holy Spirit to minister to the hearts of our people and release a deeper experience of the Lord. They will pray with you regarding your health, any specific needs or challenges you may be experiencing, and release the blessings of the Lord.

Ministry of Intercession

Prayer is an essential part of our spiritual growth and is a powerful practice for transformation. Our Team of Intercessors have the privilege of standing in the gap and lifting up specific prayer requests for our community to the heavenly Father. Members of the church can submit their requests online or through the New Promise App and know that a team of prayers will join with them in intercession. This team regularly prays for the needs of our church, our leadership, missionaries, and other special needs.


Restoring the Foundations
Healing Ministry

Restoring The Foundations (RTF) is an integrated approach to the healing ministry (body, soul, and spirit). It brings hope for healing, freedom from life’s deepest struggles,
and renewed purpose for living, by personally encountering God’s powerful LOVE, PRESENCE and PEACE.

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© 2023 by New Promise Christian Fellowship 

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